Hidetoshi Maeda Shibaura Institute of Technology School of Architecture
Urban design lab
芝浦工業大学 建築学部 大学院理工学研究科建築学専攻 都市デザイン研究室 前田英寿

Tokyo workshop 2016 with UTM

2500㎡の公共空間 Public space in 2500 sqms
Tokyo workshop 2016 November with University of Technology Malaysia (UTM)
161112午前芝浦キャンパスで合流。午後対象地見学 Meeting and site visit
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161113川越重要伝統的建造物群見学 Kawagoe conservation area
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Prof.Maeda's lecture on Tokyo inner harbor and visit to Shibaura district, Tsukiji market and Hama-rikyu park
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161115芝浦キャンパスで終日作業 Group work at school
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161116豊洲キャンパス訪問・ゆりかもめ・六本木・明治神宮 Toyosu campus and Tokyo walk
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161117中間発表・ヒシャム先生特別講義 Intermediate presentation and Dr.Hisham's lecture
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161118芝浦キャンパスで終日作業 Group work at school
161119最終発表会・修了式・送別会 Final presentation, closing ceremony and farewell
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©2024 Hidetoshi Maeda Shibaura Institute of Technology School of Architecture Urban design lab