2017 の記事

Student 2017

Master of Engineering in Architecture and Civil Engineering
ONODERA Shiori Legibility between underground and ground of office blocks
TAGUCHI Shinya, Reconstructing waterfront from East Japan Great Earthquake and Tsunami 2011
Bachelor of Engineering and Design
KOBAYASHI Ryoki Local community meets high-tech business 第41回レモン画翠学生設計優秀作品展
CUI Xifeng Density and intimacy of Ikebukuro west 有元史郎記念賞
SHIMAZU Takayasu Reuse beneath railway zippering old and new towns
SHIMIZU Yukiko Partition and penetration of Japanese modern houses
SEKI Hanako Temporary space units knotting backstreets
TAKAYAMA Kei Art center at post-industrial site
芝浦工業大学建築系卒業設計展 Archifesta 審査員特別賞 Astrid Klein
HASEGAWA Teruyo Light timber structures sustaining riverside culture and tourism
YOSHIHAMA Misa Kindergarten regenerating old suburban community
Research course
Runn Charksmithanont Fin, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
Faa Chayaluck, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
Thanat Thanapornpakornsin,King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
Viktoria Vlamirovna, Moscow Institute of Architecture, Russia
Afomia Solomon, African Business and Education Initiative, Ethiopia
0301-0530 Urawa-misono project・0606・0613・0620・0627・0701 Intermediate presentation・0703-10 International workshop・0718・0725・0905・0912・0920・0926・1001 Shibaura canal festival・1003・1007 Intermediate jury・1008-11 Hongkong・1017 Urawa-misono bamboo・1024・1028 Urawa-misino festival・1031・1107・1114・1121・1128・1205・1212・1219・1225・0109・0112 Master proceedings・0116・0123・0126 Bachelor submission・0129 Bachelor proceedings・0206 Bachelor jury・0208 Master submission・0215 Master jury・0320 Graduation
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posted on 2018/03/31

Trip 2017 Hong Kong

Visited Hong Kong November 8-10, 2017, with two graduate and eight 4th-year students
171008夕方香港着・油麻地・尖沙咀・旺角 Yaumatei, Tsimshatsui and Mongkok
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171009中環・山頂・湾仔・香港大学 Central, Peak, Wan Chai and University of Hong Kong
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171010澳門 Macao
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171011香港理工大・アジアソサエティ Politech Hong Kong and Asia Society Hong Kong Center
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posted on 2018/03/20

Walk 2017

170316千葉県柏市柏駅周辺とアーバンデザインセンター(修士1年1名・4年3名・教員)Kashiwa, Chiba Pref.
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170422埼玉県川越市重要伝統的建造物群保存地区(大学院建設工学演習デザイン1)Kawagoe, Saitama Pref.
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170423千葉県柏市UDCフェス(修士1年1名・4年3名・教員)Kashiwa UDC Festival
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posted on 2017/12/31





©2024 Hidetoshi Maeda Shibaura Institute of Technology School of Architecture Urban design lab